Threads Statistics


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Top Threads Statistics

  • Threads reached 150 million users within 2 weeks.
  • They still have around 130 million active users.
  • The number of daily active users currently is around 28 million.
  • Threads currently has more active users than X (28m vs 22m).
  • The top 3 countries (ranked by downloads) are India (19%), US (13%) and Brazil (22%).

Threads Statistics

Number of Threads Users

  • In just seven hours, Meta’s Threads app has been downloaded and registered by 10 million people.
  • Threads crossed 150 Million Downloads after only 2 weeks.
  • Meta aims to reach over 1 billion users.
Hours/Days Number of Users
1 hour after going live 1 Million Users
7 hours after going live 10 Million Users
24 hours after going live 30 Million Users
2 Days after going live 70 Million Users
5 days after going live 100 Million Users
2 Weeks after going live 150 Million Users
June 2024 190 Million Users

Number of Active Users

  • Threads lost half its active users in a week, while Zuckerberg says ‘tens of millions now return daily.’
  • Number of active users currently is around 23.6 million.

Threads App

  • Meta has launched Threads on the iOS App Store, initially in Canada, and is rolling out publicly to over 100 countries.
  • Threads quickly became the #1 app on Apple’s App Store and a top trending topic on Twitter.
  • Users can log in using their Instagram accounts and maintain the same list of followers, making the transition process seamless.
  • Threads is available in 100 countries and supports more than 30 languages on iOS and Android.
  • Users can follow and connect with their favorite creators, share ideas, opinions, and creativity.
  • The app collects user data across 25 different categories, surpassing Twitter’s data collection capabilities.
  • Leaving Threads is not as straightforward, as users can only delete their Threads profile by deleting their Instagram account.
  • Threads has a 500-character limit for messages and allows users to reply to, repost, and quote others’ posts.
  • The app occasionally crashes, and posting threads may take some time.
  • The onboarding process for Threads takes less than 10 seconds.
  • Threads app is not available in the European Union due to data sharing complexities between Instagram and Threads.
  • Threads allows 500-character messages, replies, and reposts.
  • The app is positioned as a rival to Twitter.

What Is Threads?

  • The app resembles Twitter with text-based posts, real-time conversations, and the ability to post photos and videos.
  • The app allows communities to discuss various topics and encourages users to “say more.”
  • Threads has minimal functionality at launch, with limited viewability control options and no direct messaging or trending topics.
  • Meta’s scale and infrastructure give Threads an advantage, as it simplifies the onboarding process and helps retain users.
  • Meta will need to address issues such as spam, harassment, conspiracy theories, and false claims to prevent user dissatisfaction.
  • Threads could provide additional engagement time and potentially supplement Meta’s core advertising business in the future.
  • Meta’s ad business has faced challenges from the overall decline in the online ad market and changes to Apple’s app privacy practices.
  • Mark Zuckerberg’s motivation to compete with Elon Musk extends beyond social networks, as they have made plans for a cage fight.
  • The app offers features such as liking with a heart symbol, commenting, and re-threading (similar to retweeting).
  • Following accounts on Threads is straightforward, and users can see threads from both people they follow and those they don’t.
  • Verified accounts exist on Threads, with blue checkmarks likely granted to participants in Meta’s paid verification program.
  • The web version of Threads is in a pre-launch status, with a countdown to the official launch in July.

Data Collected by Threads

  • Data collected by Threads includes web browsing history, physical addresses, health and fitness information, and other contact details not collected by Twitter.
  • The app collects information on app usage, installed applications, in-app search history, web browsing activities, calendar events, contacts, voice recordings, music files, audio files, photos, videos, SMS messages, in-app communications, emails, payment card information, bank account details, and financial data.
  • Threads also collects biometric data, sexual orientation, and ethnic information.
  • The collection of location data is not unique to Threads and is practiced by other social media platforms.

Threads Compared To Other Apps

  • Threads is based on Instagram rather than Facebook, targeting a more youth-focused audience.
  • Threads is positioned as a potential “Twitter killer” due to Meta’s large existing user base, including over 2 billion active Instagram users compared to Twitter’s estimated 250 million active users.
  • The app combines elements of Instagram’s aesthetic and navigation system and enables sharing of posts from Threads to Instagram Stories.

Future of Threads

  • The success of Threads and its competition with Twitter depends on factors such as user adoption, Meta’s ability to import existing friend graphs, and Twitter’s performance under its new CEO.
  • The launch of Threads coincides with user dissatisfaction with recent alterations implemented by Elon Musk on Twitter.
  • The app’s launch created excitement and comparisons to a “first day of school” experience, with some speculating whether Threads could become a “Twitter killer.”
  • Threads poses a serious threat to Twitter, which has faced backlash since Elon Musk took over the platform in October 2022.
  • Meta’s empire of popular apps could expand with Threads, providing a new platform for ad sales.


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