Most Common Personality Types


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If you ever wonder why you feel like no one understands you, your personality type may play a role.

Not all of the 16 personality types occur at the same rate.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals into one of 16 personality types. The MBTI test is based on their preferences in four dichotomies:

  • Extraversion/Introversion
  • Sensing/Intuition
  • Thinking/Feeling
  • Judging/Perceiving.

INFJ is the Rarest Personality Type

INFJ, also known as the Advocate is the rarest personality type. INFJ stands for introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging.

Someone with this personality type lets their values and vision guide them. Only 1.5% of the general population has this personality type.

rarest type
More stats: Teacher Burnout Statistics, Twitch Statistics.

They tend to prioritize integrity, and they may have big goals. While they’re introverts, they enjoy making connections with other people.

Other rare personality types include the closely related ENTJ and INTJ, the Commander and Architect, respectively. Unlike the rarest Myers-Briggs type INFJs, ENTJs and INTJs think rather than feel.

Famous people with the INFJ: Elon Musk, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Lady Gaga, and Martin Freeman.

Personality Types by Popularity (MBTI Percentages and Statistics)

The 16 personality types all vary by popularity. Consider where each one falls from most to least common and the percentage of the population each type makes up.

ISFJ 13.8%
ESFJ 12.3%
ISTJ 11.6%
ISFP 8.8%
ESTJ 8.7%
ESFP 8.5%
ENFP 8.1%
ISTP 5.4%
INFP 4.4%
ESTP 4.3%
INTP 3.3%
ENTP 3.2%
ENFJ 2.5%
INTJ 2.1%
ENTJ 1.8%
INFJ 1.5%

The data in this table doesn’t add up exactly to 100% due to rounding. However, it gives a good idea of how common certain personality types are, especially compared to the others.

Also, you may notice that different lists have slightly different data. But the list of the most popular and least popular types shouldn’t change much.

Pros of a Rare Personality Type

The rarest personality type, INFJ, makes up only 1.5% of the population, or 3 out of every 200 people. It might be rare, but having this personality type or another rare one isn’t all bad.

Consider the following pros of rare personality types.

Unique Strengths

Having a rare personality type, even if it’s not the rarest, offers you some unique strengths. For example, INFJ people tend to be ambitious, and they work toward their goals. That can help you get your dream job or promotion.

You may also be able to use the attributes of your personality type to stand out in school. If you struggle to get attention, use your personality type to your advantage.

Diverse Opinions

When you’re a rare personality type, you’ll probably spend most of your life with people with different personalities and opinions. That gives you the perfect chance to learn more about how others see the world.

You can also contribute your ideas to the discussion. Then, others can learn more about how you think about things.

Cons of a Rare Personality Type

Of course, having a rare personality type can have some drawbacks. You should prepare for the following while you can’t change your personality type.

Hard to Relate To

Whether you’re an INFJ, ENTJ, or something else, you may find it hard to relate to the people around you. They may be more extroverted, or they may think when you feel or vice versa.

All of that can make it hard to fit in with a group. Meeting other people who share your personality type will be more difficult since it makes up a smaller percentage of the overall population.

Lofty Goals

People with the INFJ personality type often have ambitious aspirations.

This quality is admirable as it drives them to pursue significant achievements and make a positive impact in the world.

However, these high-reaching goals may sometimes be misunderstood by others, making it challenging to bring them to fruition.

Most Common Personality Type

Making up 13.8% of the population, ISFJ is the most common personality type. That’s particularly interesting, considering INFJ, only one letter different, is the rarest.

If you’re an ISFJ, you’re the Defender. The letters stand for introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging. Some common traits of this personality type include loyalty and having high standards, so you can count on an ISFJ to do a good job.

Famous people with this personality type include Beyonce, Selena Gomez, and Queen Elizabeth II. Other common personality types include ESFJ and ISTJ.

Pros of a Common Personality Type

The top five most common personality types appear in over 55% of all people. Being part of this group can come with some benefits.

Easy to Relate to Others

If you have one of the most common personality types, you may find it easy to relate to others you meet. This can happen in school, work, or your personal life.

Others with the same or a similar personality may help you fit in more easily. You can feel like others listen when you have something to say.

Easy to Understand

Similarly, having a common personality type also means it’s easy for other people to understand you and your thoughts. You might also find it easy to understand the people around you.

Rarer personality types struggle to fit in with a group and to understand others. Not having to worry about that can lift a huge weight off your shoulders.

Cons of a Common Personality Type

Unfortunately, having one of the more popular personality types isn’t perfect. Consider the following cons.

Less Diverse Thinking

If everyone in your group at school or work has the same personality, you may be unable to explore as many ideas. You might all have the same idea, making it easier to choose which one to use.

However, you can miss out on other perspectives that are just as important. Finding people with rarer personality types is more difficult, and you might not always have access to those opinions.

Hard to Stand Out

You also can’t rely on your personality type to make you unique. If you rely on your personality alone, you might fall through the cracks with teachers or your boss.

While you can develop other skills to stand out, that takes time and effort that you might not want to put in. It may not be as easy to get certain opportunities when you’re just like everyone else, personality-wise.

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